This online library of black children’s books is exactly what we need right now

Voice your concerns about diversity and inclusion to a black author, and watch what happens.
Veronica Chapman took action after hearing feedback from parents, mentors and guardians during her book signings: people wanted access to children’s books with black characters.
So she created a website for it., founded by the I Know I Can! author, is an online library of black children’s books. There are hundreds of titles, and a recommendation button keeps the ideas rolling in.
Selections range from classics such as Debbie Allen’s Dancing in the Wings and Spike and Tonya Lewis Lee’s Please, Baby, Please to educational books, including a youth Swahili dictionary.
Accessibility to this diverse reading material is the precise reason it’s so important — black children need to see themselves positively and beautifully represented at an early age. Seekers of black children’s books often find themselves waiting for cultural festivals or settling on options from barren selections. From the looks of it: there’s something for everyone. can be a great resource for parents, teachers and everyone in between because of its user-friendly setup.
You can narrow your search to books featuring either boy or girl characters, too.
Chapman, an entrepreneur and Spelman College graduate, started Boxxout Enterprises in 2008 to provide teens in low-income areas with engaging, innovative and practical workshops and events. I Know I Can!, her first children’s book, falls in line with that mission.
Her passion for children’s learning is evident.